Why Us

Fast. Effective. Simple.

Today’s business owners have two big concerns. One is having their technology investment running effectively, empowering their business, and the other one is keeping their computers, networks and data safe from online threats. TMI’s worry free Managed Service Plans alleviate these concerns. You can focus on your business and not technology.

To keep you focused on business and keep your overhead down our Worry-Free Experience includes the maximum uptime of your infrastructure backed by ITIL based SLA for high reliability, expert onboarding, 24/7 support, and much more.

Here’s how you get the freedom to focus

TMI’s Service Desk is backed by ITIL based SLA, which ensures security, reliability, onsite support
and regulatory compliance are designed to ensure that nothing distracts
you and your employees from adding value to your business.


Your data is private and protected Explore our DRaaS and BaaS Services (Disaster Recovery As A Service) and (Backup As A Services)


99.99% Uptime guaranteed, Financially backed 99.99% uptime SLA for all Cloud Bases Services

On-Site Support

Our IT Experts help you move into the cloud with no downtime or data loss.

24/7/365 Support

On-Site, On-Call, Remote Assistence are few tools, to quickly help you to get back to work

Regulatory Compliance

ITIL compliance based regulations helps IT HelpDesk and Support performance and achieve high user satisfaction.